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Strix aluco

(Strix aluco) is a nocturnal bird of the family puštíkovití. It is the largest owl commonly occurring in the Czech Republic and the most abundant owl.

He lives across Europe, except the northern areas in the northwestern part of Africa (north of Tunis, Algiers and Morocco, the Mediterranean) and in some areas of Asia (Southern Russia, Caucasus, Black Sea and Mediterranean parts of Asia Minor. On the Czech territory, its population varies between 6-9 thousand animals, Slovak 2.5-3 one thousand live owls.

Discreet owl slightly larger than long-eared owl (usually 36-43 cm). It has a huge round head and round face with a veil and hnědočernýma eyes. The legs are short and feathered to the toes, the wings are relatively short (range 81-96 cm) wide and rounded, the tail short. Colour is very variable, basic color varies from gray through various shades of brown to rust with dark streaks. Females are (like all owls) slightly larger.



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